How to Live Faithfully – When Life is Boring

“The test of the life of a saint is not success, but faithfulness in the human life as it actually is.” – Nov. 16. Oswald Chamber Life as it actually is. Wow. Does O. C. know what my life is like? Let me paint you, my faithful reader, a little picture with words….. I wake up to crying (0r screaming) every morning. Sometimes good screaming (only momma’s can relate to the good screaming.) I hop into the shower as they…

My New Book is Here!

I’m so excited for my new Bible Study! It just released!!! The Glorious Ordinary: An Invitation to Study God’s Word in Your Everyday Life The Bible study includes the following: A 9-week Bible study using my special PRAY method to help guide you through studying scripture. Various passages are used, as you begin to read verses in context of the entire book and chapters found in the Bible. Each chapter begins with an introduction, where I share a little of my…