Pocket Truth to Fight the Fear of Darkness

Watching the light descend down our mountains behind the house always makes me feel like joy is coming. I might not always feel the joy in my heart, but God gives me enough joy to sustain me during the long seasons of sadness. When the psalmist talks about joy coming in the morning, I don’t really think he was taking bout night “seasons” and day “seasons.” Maybe he really meant the physical mornings. I mean our God who understands the dark places our sinful hearts can brings us a physical reminder of His light every single day. Courage is hard to find in the dark.

As a child I was always afraid of the dark. I remember watching this silly movie and after that was convinced a deformed man with aliens on his insides was coming out from under my bed when the light disappeared. But fears like that don’t follow us into adulthood. But it seems like nighttime, when the sun goes down, fears can return.

We fear the unknown and all of the scary real-life things like death, grief, pain, loneliness, and rejection. The enemy lurks into the night and we try to drive out the fear with lights and noise and social media. But we eventually must turn the lights off and plug in our phones to sleep.

The Psalmist said I will lay down in peace and sleep because the Lord makes me dwell in safety. 

But each night always ends. I love how God gives us both the night and morning. The dark reminds us of all we need and the morning reminds us how he is restoring hour soul. Our seasons of night will sometimes linger, but each morning we have a choice. We have a choice to combat the fear with truth.

The morning light comes. We do not doubt the sun will rise. We know in our hearts the great ball of fire will rotate around and rise up to bring light outside. It is a reminder of His mercy, His love, and His faithfulness. It is all right there in Scripture.

So in the seasons when joy is not coming, and weeping is tarrying in our seasons of night, may you look outside today. Go ahead and look out a window. Take a peek at the sunshine and maybe step out into the warmth. It is amazing how God brings hope to our hearts when we look up and remember He is faithful. The dark and doubting moments will overwhelm, but His love remains the same.

The goodness of God is true.
The sins are forgiven.
The mercy of a Father will not end.
You will never be alone.
Weeping will tarry for the night, but joy comes in the morning.

So when the physical morning comes, you may still feel the fear and doubt and dark, but may the sunlight remind you of TRUTH.

I’ve created even more pocket truths to help chase away the night season. Keep them in your purse, beside your bed, hang them on fridge, or on your desk. Remember to keep fighting fear with truth. There is an empty one. Write your own pocket truth as well.

Each of the pocket truths has an additional page with Bible verses that go along with the truth.
Download the PDF here! 

Blessings friend!


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