How to Get Everything Done

Do you want to know the secret of how to get everything done?

You don’t. You can’t do it all. In fact, we want to do it all, but let’s face it: we just can’t. And feelings of guilt plague us because we think, “Well, she gets it all done.” No. No she doesn’t. The woman you are comparing yourself to doesn’t get it all done. She doesn’t always have a clean house, folded laundry, or well-behaved kids. She doesn’t have dinner ready on the table every night and make-up on when her husband walks through the door. The woman you are imagining doesn’t exist. You can’t get everything done, but you CAN do the things that need to be done.

I think most of my own problems with “getting it all done” stem from determining what is necessary and what is not. You see, when I am feeling overwhelmed, it isn’t because I have so many things I need to do, I have so many things I’ve agreed to do.

Life is busy, and sometimes seasons are busier than others, but the ability to determine what is needful and what is extra is ALWAYS necessary. Momma, you don’t have to do it all. This is me giving you permission to say NO. You may think you children needs to be involved in ______. But does he? Does she? You may think you need to see in _______. But do you? Really? You may think your husband needs _______. But does he? Has he specifically asked for these things?

I challenge you to take the “Finding the BEST” challenge. It is a resource I created for my own life. I use it when I feel overwhelmed and scatterbrained with all the ideas floating around in my head. Fill it out and find out what is truly necessary in your life.  The steps include:

  1. List all of the activities you are involved in, your children are involved in, and your expectations from your husband. Pray over your list. Ask God to give you direction as you begin.
  2. Discuss with your family what expectations you feel like they have and determine if they are true. Ask them to give you three things you can do for them. The top three things they would want from you. Pray and find your own expectations for your life and family as well.
  3. Ask yourself: Will this matter when I’m 80?
  4. If the answer is no, cut it out of your life. It may take time, such as a sport’s season, but stand firm in your NO. Realize your health,  your sanity, and your life needs space to breathe, so a NO is really a YES to a calmer, more relaxed life.

Download the challenge here. 

Find the “best” is extremely hard, and it takes time. It also means we are constantly needed to evaluate. I would suggest taking the challenge every few months. I know with each change of season, such as summer and fall I need to reevaluate. I need to find a new rhythm. It is SO EASY to get busy, but we can find rest in the middle of it. Remember:

It is the good that often competes with the best. – Oswald Chambers 

Help me out momma friend! How do you say NO to things in your life? How do you find the BEST? Comment below with your suggestions!

Blessings friend!


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  1. Sarah, This was a beautiful post, and I loved the print outs. I got all uptight reading the title thinking here we go, someone is going to talk about how to be that perfect mom, wife, friend, daughter, etc. and I will fail again.

    I do compare myself to supermom over on the other side. I need to keeps saying to myself over and over again. I can’t do it all.

    I struggle with saying “no” to things. I have made huge strides. “The Best Yes” book helped me tremendously.

    Thank you for your post.

  2. Sarah I love this. I had to learn the urgent and not urgent lesson too. I wrote about it on my blog..the book Disciplines of a Beautiful Woman blessed me in this area! Thank you for sharing this. We moms need to remind each other of the realities.

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