The Best Journals to Buy to Write God’s Word

The Best Journals to Buy to Write God’s Word  Recently I shared about several different ways we can journal God’s word. In this article I encourage you to just use what you have laying around – even a blank spiral notebook would work! However, if you are overwhelmed with where to start with this method, I want to let you know you aren’t alone. When I was first starting out I was too afraid of not doing it “right” I…

Three Benefits for Writing Out God’s Word

Three Benefits for Writing Out God’s Word  Let me confess to you: it is not in my nature to take things slow. Growing up my mom would constantly be saying, “Sarah, slow down.” It didn’t matter if I was washing dishes, folding clothes, or practicing piano. I would rush, rush, rush! As an adult I’ve struggled with this as well. It is almost like I feel like 24 hours in a day just isn’t enough. My to-do list is too…

Four Ways to Journal the Bible

Four Ways to Journal the Bible  When I get a new notebook I love it! In fact, I love getting a new, blank notebook so much I often buy a new one before I’m even finished with the old one. If you look at my bookshelf you will see a brightly colored section of blank notebooks. Occasionally I’ll have one of my children come and ask me for one of the blank ones. “You don’t use them!” They say.  Only,…

God Loves You Still

God Loves You Still Jesus loves me, this I know. Since childhood I’ve known Jesus loves me and I didn’t doubt it. Little girls grow up. The world breaks us apart so the lies creep in unnoticed. Our hearts begin to question, does Jesus really love me?  Friend, I’m here to tell you I’m proof Jesus loves us and we can know it. For some reason my heart grew up thinking I had to earn Jesus’ love. It was never…